Hannes Couvreur – bio

Short bio

Hannes Couvreur (°1981) is the founder of Superbly Human. As a coach, trainer and facilitator he enables people, teams and organizations to “simply make the possible happen”.

His passion for seeing others grow is strongly connected with his love for stories, both fairy tales and what he calls “superbly human” stories. These are stories of so-called ordinary lives that, if listened to in a particular way, are anything but ordinary. They reveal how people have managed to deal with many of life’s challenges in peculiar ways. It did not take long for Hannes to understand that these stories mattered. And that they held the key to what makes people tick. But how to make a living out of this?

After a short carreer as a journalist, and after working some years as a copywriter he finally found a way to really make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. Through doing what he had always done – but without really recognizing it. Through listening, through asking honest questions and being curious, through respectfully giving back what people had offered him, their stories, their potential, their experiences, their successes and their dreams.

Thanks to Anton Stellamans from Ilfaro, who Hannes considers to be one of his most important mentors, he got in touch with the approach of Solution Focused coaching, a coaching approach (rather than a technique) which enabled Hannes to put his ideas to work, first at the social marketing agency Change Designers, then as a freelancer.

Since then Hannes has talked to hundreds of wonderful people from all over the world, discovering their resources, inspiring them to take on an appreciative attitude towards their dreams, their lives and the lives of others around them, enabling them to fulfill the potential of themselves, their teams and their organization, one step at the time.

Full CV: click here

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