Tag Archives: solution focused coaching

Miracles take time and effort

Whatever it is you want to deal with, it takes time and effort. Yours, or somebody else’s.

When things aren’t that comfortable, it’s tempting to look for a quick win, isn’t it? I would be looking for a quick win. In fact I am, more often than I’d like to admit. Looking for that magic formula to overcome the obstacle. Hoping to skip a few steps and leap ahead. Leave all the trouble behind.

So far, I’ve never found the secret shortcut. And if things all of a sudden seem to take a leap forward, it’s bound to be the result of a sustained effort, either by me, or by somebody else.

Unlike us, life is never in a hurry. Continue reading

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Paolo Terni and his expert client

Paolo Terni

At his terrific blog my colleague Paolo Terni has a nice short story (5 minutes) which illustrates why “The Client is the Expert” is such a useful assumption.

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