Tag Archives: probabil

Fear is good. But how about your response?

Sigrid Dufraimont on Fear

Sigrid Dufraimont on Fear

Rrradiogirrrl / Sigrid Dufraimont wrote an intriguing post on fear. This is just one of the many brilliant thoughts in it (warning: plot spoiler)

“A way of looking through your fears is questioning them. I usually try to question my fears by asking myself this:

  • is it true what I’m thinking?
  • Can I absolutely know that it is true?
  • How do I react, what happens when I think this?
  • Who would I be without this thought?”

“I didn’t come up with these questions myself but they have been a great help for me. Of course, I’m still afraid of things every single day but I try to question my fears which gives me just about enough space to believe that in the end everything changes for the best. It’s absolutely thrillingly liberating!”

How cool is that?

You only fear what you can’t control if you think you should be in control to overcome it.

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